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Physical Education And Hygiene Section

Student Affairs Office / 2024-08-26 / Count: 13

Section Chief of Physical Education And Hygiene Section : Ms. CAI,SHU-XIAN

Tel : (06) 2587571   Ext. 130

School Nurse : Ms. LIU,JIA-QI

Tel : (06) 2587571   Ext. 114


  1. Organize and Promote Physical Education Teaching: Convene the Physical Education Committee to plan and promote physical education activities.

  2. Develop and Implement Training Plans for Sports Competitions: Create and execute training programs for participation in various sports activities and competitions.

  3. Plan, Manage, and Maintain Sports Venues and Equipment: Oversee the planning, management, usage, and safety maintenance of sports facilities and equipment.

  4. Organize and Train Student Sports Clubs: Establish and train student sports clubs and manage related matters.

  5. Conduct Physical Fitness Tests and Record Results: Organize physical fitness assessments for students and handle related record-keeping.

  6. Guide Students in Extracurricular Sports: Provide guidance and support for students' participation in extracurricular sports activities.

  7. Manage Intra- and Inter-School Sports Competitions: Organize and oversee sports competitions involving teachers and students both within and outside the school, including inter-class competitions.

  8. Organize Sports Events and Performances: Coordinate and manage sports meets and physical performances both inside and outside the school.

  9. Handle Sports Scholarships and Grants: Manage the application process for sports scholarships and related matters.

  10. Scout, Select, Train, and Ensure Safety for Athletes: Identify and select athletes for various sports, provide training, and ensure their safety.

  11. Assist with Key Sports Programs in Tainan City: Support key sports programs and activities coordinated by the Tainan City government.

  12. Plan, Promote, and Implement Swimming Instruction: Arrange and advocate for swimming instruction and related activities.

  13. Manage and Promote Physical Education Activities: Oversee and encourage physical education activities within the school.

  14. Develop and Implement Environmental and Health Education Plans: Create and execute plans for environmental education and health education.

  15. Establish and Manage the School Health Committee: Organize and manage the setup of the school’s health committee.

  16. Promote Environmental Education and Form Environmental Protection Teams: Implement environmental education plans, establish environmental protection groups, and regularly review environmental issues.

  17. Collect, Analyze, and Report Health Data: Manage the collection, analysis, and reporting of health care data.

  18. Allocate Cleaning Areas and Supervise Cleaning Work: Assign cleaning responsibilities across the school and supervise cleaning tasks.

  19. Conduct Health Checks and Measurements for Students: Organize health checks for first-year students and measure height, weight, and vision for students in all grades.

  20. Handle Student Accident Insurance Matters: Manage issues related to student accident insurance.

  21. Develop and Implement Guidelines for Common Illnesses and Medications: Formulate and implement guidelines for common illnesses, frequently used medications, and emergency response procedures.

  22. Manage Health Care Equipment and Medications: Oversee the use, storage, and maintenance of health care equipment and medications.

  23. Coordinate with Authorities on Environmental Education and Epidemic Prevention: Collaborate with authorities such as the Environmental Protection Agency and health bureaus to conduct environmental education and epidemic prevention campaigns.

Health Promotion School Website