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Equipment Section

Academic Affairs Office / 2024-08-26 / Count: 39

Section Chief of Equipment : Ms. WEI,YU-SHAN

Tel : (06) 2587571   Ext. 137


  1. Library Book Borrowing: Bring your student ID to the library to process borrowing procedures. Each student may borrow one book at a time for a period of two weeks.

  2. Book Issues: For issues such as missing or incomplete pages in textbooks, please contact the equipment team to apply for replacements.

  3. Activity Matters: (1) Reading and Writing Contest: Obtain a "Reading and Writing Card" from the "Equipment Team," submit ten reflective reports, which will be reviewed by teachers. Upon approval, you will receive encouragement (NTD$50 gift voucher and a certificate of appreciation). (2) Science Fair Registration: Students interested in participating in the science fair can register directly with the equipment team.

  4. Managing Science Laboratories and Equipment: Due to the high cost of laboratory equipment, any damage must be compensated at full value.

  5. Audio-Visual Equipment Borrowing: For classroom use of DVDs and tape recorders, each class’s service leader should borrow them from the library before class and return them immediately after class.