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Principal’s Office

Organization / 2024-08-25 / Count: 29

Principal : Mr. CHEN,YI-REN

Tel : (06) 2587571   Ext. 111

VOIP : 13001

Educational Philosophy

Starting with a foundation of love in education:
"The way of education is nothing else but love and example."

"With love in the heart, education knows no barriers."

"Education is not about filling a bucket with water, but about lighting a fire."

School Management Philosophy

At the turning points of life, encountering mentors who make a difference, and aspiring to become a mentor to others. Education is a project to secure a child's future happiness; in shaping each child's future, I view it as my ship and am determined to make it the best it can be.


Creating conditions by threading the needle and making connections: Love and example become mentors for the children. Students are the focus, teachers are central, staff are important, and education is the priority.

Administrative Goals

Service replaces leadership by utilizing listening skills, translation skills, creativity, and action. Through goal management and performance accountability, become a driving force for administrative and educational innovation, providing exceptional "three-dimensional" service to customers (students, teachers, parents) with administrative support for teaching through a single service window.

Teacher Satisfaction

1. All teachers in the twelve-year national education system should possess fundamental competencies in student self-exploration, career exploration, and guidance counseling.
2. Innovate teaching methods and establish effective teaching brands: seek out inspiring mentors, motivate teachers' professional autonomy, and continue the school's peak experiences.
3. Rekindle teachers' passion for teaching and learning: from passive to self-motivated, transforming "education experts" into "learning experts."
4. Foster team learning and professional learning communities among teachers, ensuring that everyone is part of a learning-focused school team.

Student Satisfaction

Place students in the right environment to allow their talents to flourish:
1. Emphasize the two key aspects of twelve-year national education: A) Focus on students who are lagging behind, B) Improve vocational and technical education.
2. Education should have no disadvantaged groups, and learning should have no barriers.
3. Develop essential basic skills and strengthen students' self-exploration and career exploration tasks.
4. Promote club activities to enhance the school's atmosphere of potential and create a "constructive exploration" environment.

Community Progress

Integrate school and community:
1. Integrate community human and material resources, encouraging talented individuals to support education.
2. Establish a caring volunteer team to enhance community involvement and build a supportive, mutually beneficial community.

Parent Satisfaction

Encourage enthusiastic parental involvement and establish rational communication bridges to build positive partnerships. Proactively connect with parents, share guidance responsibilities, and support professional work without interference, fostering collaborative deep engagement.

Campus Greenery and Vitality

Low-carbon, energy-efficient green campus:
1. Create a campus that blends technological innovation, humanistic values, aesthetics, and sustainability ("Everything within the school gates has educational significance"). Continue the cultural movement of Wenxian Junior High School.
2. Promote environmental education and the C2C (Cradle to Cradle) concept to build a green, warm, and caring environment that leverages spatial leadership for environmental education.
3. Develop a beautiful, innovative campus that leaves students with wonderful memories, using the key of education to lead students to a better world.


  •  Energy — Health, Energy, Confidence, Cheerfulness  
  •  Gratitude — Appreciating Blessings, Thankfulness, Care, Service  
  •  Responsibility — Accountability, Responsibility, Respect, Cooperation  
  •  Innovation — Quality, Innovation, Diversity, Excellence  

 Humanistic Spirit, Technological Mind, Local Affection, Global Perspective — Ambitious Vision for the World