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School Facility Features

School Information / 2024-08-25 / Count: 28

The building layout follows a zoning principle, dividing the school into teaching areas, sports areas, and activity areas. The administrative building is centrally located, with classrooms and activity areas positioned on the north and south sides to minimize potential disturbances from future market parking lot developments. The teaching area is placed on the south side to avoid such disturbances. A spacious plaza serves as an intermediary space between the school and the outside.

The entrance circulation is designed to be dispersed, radiating from the plaza to different functional areas without interference, allowing students to quickly enter classrooms through various pathways upon arrival.

Internal circulation connects the teaching and activity areas along a central north-south axis, with dispersed pathways managing access to each zone. Vertical circulation is placed at the ends of corridors to avoid impacting teaching activities.

Outdoor spaces feature semi-open garden areas that integrate with the core of classroom clusters, providing students with immediate access to natural outdoor environments during breaks. Diagonal pathways with varied flower trellises and semi-circular play platforms add interest. The surrounding flowers, trees, and water features offer students a chance to relax and alleviate the stress of classes.

In the student plaza, arc-shaped steps and seating platforms are arranged with a fountain at the center, surrounded by trees and flower beds, enhancing student engagement and providing a space for group games.

The central plaza can be used for student relaxation and connects the teaching and activity zones. During school events, it facilitates visitor access and tours.

Environmental spaces are designed to accommodate student behaviors:

1. Expansive corridor spaces for brief rest and interaction among students.
2. Climbing trellises for varied engagement.
3. Sports fields for ball games.
4. Outdoor platform spaces such as the student plaza and garden pathways for safe play and chasing.
5. Well-lit basement welfare areas accessible from outdoors for purchasing snacks.
6. South-facing wooded green spaces with stone tables and chairs for contemplation.
7. Scenic enjoyment through garden landscape design, including flowers, trees, and water features.
8. The athletic field and sports courts are oriented north-south.
9. Classrooms primarily face south with some east-west orientations, featuring deep shading designs and additional tree planting to prevent sun exposure.
10. The administrative building is centrally located for convenient office operations and communication.
11. Classroom unit designs incorporate cleaning cabinets and teacher storage within the classroom walls, enhancing the appearance and ease of maintenance.
12. The activity center is situated on the north side, convenient for local residents and away from the teaching area to minimize interference, connecting with the sports field for ease of use.
13. Special classrooms, such as science labs, are located within the teaching area.
14. Craft, music, and home economics classrooms, which may impact teaching, are grouped separately, separated by a plaza with independent leisure spaces and social platforms that can be used by local residents in the evenings, such as cooking classes and music lessons for parents.
15. The library is designed for daytime use by students and also considers evening access for local community residents.

The last three points address the school's community functions, incorporating flexible usage and management of space and design.