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Mission & Vision

School Information / 2024-08-25 / Count: 24

Basic Assumptions for School Development

1. The school is a cultural stronghold of the community; the community is the pillar of the school and education. School development is closely related to community development.

2. The school must nurture and educate students, attract more students, and establish its own 特色 (distinctive features).

3. Inspire teachers' professional spirit and teaching enthusiasm, ensure dedication, and achieve performance in service management.

4. Community parents support, assist, care, participate in, and collaborate on the development of school affairs.

5. Secure resources to enhance teaching equipment and continually improve teaching quality.

School Vision

1. Establish a student-centered, comprehensive, modern, and humanized educational environment.

2. Develop high-performance educational quality based on the school’s foundation.

3. Transform the school into a learning organization where teachers and students continually advance, grow, innovate, and adapt to societal changes.

Educational Goals and Management Philosophy

  • Educational Goals

   1. Cultivate attitudes of self-respect, respect for others, diligence, and responsibility.
   2. Foster love for family, hometown, and country.
   3. Develop optimistic and enterprising youth with balanced growth in the five areas of education.
   4. Inspire creativity, critical thinking, and value judgment skills.
   5. Enhance problem-solving abilities, adaptability to social changes, and a lifelong learning attitude.
   6. Build strong physical health and perseverance, and cultivate the skills for engaging in proper leisure activities.
   7. Promote cooperative spirit and democratic rule of law, improving harmonious relationships.
   8. Enhance aesthetic and creative abilities.
   9. Cultivate a love for life and a commitment to preserving the natural environment.
   10. Focus on life education and moral education to foster virtues of propriety and righteousness.

  • Management Philosophy

   1. Create a healthy, bright, safe, democratic, and harmonious campus.
   2. Develop considerate, inclusive, appreciative, respectful, self-governing, and law-abiding students.
   3. Leave no student behind by providing diverse opportunities and spaces for learning.
   4. Prioritize students, value teachers, and consider colleagues first.

Implementation of the School Vision

  • School Development Plan: Includes academic affairs, guidance, general affairs, and counseling.

   1. All plans and items are incorporated into the annual calendar for implementation.
      - Implement in stages by year.
      - Implement by grade and subject.
      - Implement in short-term, medium-term, and long-term phases.
   2. Communicate and coordinate through regular and irregular school meetings, administrative meetings, and homeroom teacher meetings to ensure execution.

   3. Supervise and motivate teachers’ professional spirit and dedication, ensuring teaching quality and service standards.

  • Establishing a Learning Mechanism

   1. Motivate teachers' enthusiasm and professionalism in teaching through regular classroom visits and discussions with students and parents to ensure serious teaching and effective student learning.
   2. Implement standardized teaching practices: standardize and diversify teaching materials, methods, and assessments to make teaching creative and thoughtful, not just knowledge transmission.
   3. Promote teacher professional development: organize internal and external training, establish teaching files, and use teaching research groups as a platform for sharing new knowledge and teaching insights.
   4. Encourage teachers and administrative staff to develop small-scale projects:
      - Departments should regularly present special reports to foster a research-oriented atmosphere.
      - Encourage teachers to research and propose plans for campus space utilization, curriculum reform, and other initiatives.

  • Formulating Supporting Measures

   1. Administrative Aspects:
      - Form a high-quality, research-capable, and efficient administrative team.
      - Provide comprehensive teaching equipment.
      - Set up various teaching scenarios (e.g., science, arts, counseling, career guidance).
      - Continuously identify and resolve issues to ensure smooth execution of teaching activities and establish a response team.

   2. Teacher Aspects:
      - Establish a teachers' association.
      - Create teacher growth groups (e.g., choir, aerobics, English conversation, computer skills).
      - Implement various rewards and incentives.
      - Strengthen the homeroom teacher responsibility system.

   3. Student Aspects:
      - Cultivate proper study attitudes and methods.
      - Develop correct life habits.
      - Establish correct views on life and values.
      - Promote a positive reading atmosphere in classes.
      - Encourage mutual assistance and care among peers.
      - Foster teachers' love for the school.

   4. Parent and Community Aspects:
      - Organize parenting education.
      - Collaborate with the community on various activities.
      - Utilize community parents and volunteers to assist the school.